Announcements Featured The End of The Beginning - Kleros Second Sale Closed The second Kleros token sale has ended and we would like to express our thanks to all those who contributed.
Developer Featured Generalized Token Curated Registries: The World of Lists GTCRs enable communities to create their own TCRs. This greatly enhances the ability to create lists of information in a fair and transparent way.
Announcements Featured Kleros Receives BPI France Innovation Grant The Banque Publique d’Investissement (BPI) of France has awarded Coopérative Kleros a prize for the launch of Project Themis.
General Featured Kleros and Social Choice Theory: Research Paths for the Future Our resident mathematician delves into our future research and potential solutions for non-binary choices in Kleros dispute resolution.
Announcements Featured Linguo - Making Freelance Translation in a Trustless Environment a Reality After the success of Kleros Escrow in securing freelancing transactions, the Kleros team announces the coming of Linguo, a fully decentralized and trustless translation application.
General Featured Kleros Token Sale: Frequently Asked Questions It has begun - the Kleros token sale is upon us. This FAQ can answer many questions. Have a look inside.
General Featured When Blockchain Meets Arbitration: the Birth of Decentralized Justice University of Leicester will be the host of the world's first conference on decentralized law with Kleros taking center stage. Check out more info inside!
General Featured Kleros Layer 2: Decentralized Justice in the Mainstream World Can Kleros resolve disputes in the mainstream world? How would it work? Short answer? Yes. See how right here!
Announcements Featured Kleros x DxDAO: The DutchX Badge Joins The TCR Kleros are delighted to announce the integration of the DutchX badge with The Kleros Token² Curated Registry. This allows for a decentralized listing method for projects looking to list on the Gnosis built DutchX marketplace.
Announcements Featured CryptoUnlocked x Kleros Crowdfunding Reward Program Kleros announces the launch of a One Million PNK Submission Reward for CryptoUnlocked campaigns. Read more on how you can get involved!
General Featured Kleros Storytelling Reward Program With our upcoming sale just around the corner, the Kleros team decided to assign 1.000.000 PNK to help spread the word of Kleros. See how you can get involved!
General Featured Kleros 2019 Development Roundup With our new roadmap set before us, we bring you the latest developments in Kleros in 2019 with announcements of coming dapps and more.
Announcements Featured Kleros Token Sale Announcement, January 11, 2020 Kleros announces the launch of the second token sale, starting on January 11, 2020 at 16:00 UTC. Read more to see how you can take part!
General Featured Kleros Community Update - December 2019 Check out what we've been up to in our quest for building the future of justice in our December 2019 community update!
General Kleros: a Supreme Court for the Internet From Cleisthenes and ancient Athens to DAOs, sortition historically enabled us to make important decisions in a just and transparent way. How can Kleros become a Supreme Court for the internet?
General Sophie Nappert - Arbitration in the Age of Algocracy: Who Do You Trust? Sophie Nappert takes us on a journey to the relationship between humans and algorithms in 21st Century arbitration and how to keep the perils of algocracy in check.
General Kleros y el Nacimiento de la Justicia Descentralizada Kleros es una plataforma que utiliza el blockchain y el crowdsourcing para resolver disputas. Una herramienta clave dentro de la transformación digital del mundo del derecho y la industria legal.
Fellowship of Justice Featured Tian Zhao: My Kleros Fellowship Experience as a Digital Product Designer The report of Tian Zhao, a UX designer and Kleros Fellow of Justice about his experience in cutting edge legaltech design.
General Featured The Kleros Badge & Token Bounty - An Explainer Our token curated registry is growing nicely. To incentivize even more submissions, we're offering 2 Million PNK to successful token submitters. Read on to find out how you can submit and acquire your PNK!
Kleros' Token Curated List Expands - New Badges & Rewards New Badges and a 1 million PNK reward returns to the Kleros Token Curated list. Find out how you can submit and earn below... One Million PNK Submission Reward To celebrate the release of added badges on our Token Curated Registry submitters will be rewarded with one million PNK in
General Featured Kleros Court Gets a Makeover - The New Face of Justice The new and improved Kleros court is now live and ready to resolve disputes. We took your feedback onboard iterated on it and got to work. Let's have a look at the new design.
Developer Kleros Roadmap: Building the Future of Decentralized Justice We are reaching an important milestone in the life of Kleros. Over the last two years, we have walked a number of steps towards our vision of building the dispute resolution infrastructure for the decentralized ecosystem.
Announcements Featured Out Now - Kleros ERC20 Token Escrow Kleros escrow now features ERC20 token payments. Find out how you can benefit below.
General Featured Kleros Community Update - August 2019 Kleros Community update on Dapps, development, design and more.
General Featured Decentralize Your Exchange Listing Process with Kleros Using Kleros’ Token Curated Registry you can lower legal costs dramatically, bring transparency to your exchange and directly engage your community. Find out how below.