General How Kleros prevented more than $100,000 from being stolen from Proof of Humanity DAO: A Detailed Analysis Kleros recently played a pivotal role in averting a significant attack on the Proof of Humanity DAO. This is our story.
General Harmony, the Kleros Mediator Bot A pioneering AI tool designed to transform dispute resolution by harnessing the power of OpenAI's GPT-4 and the principles of the Kleros Mediation Bridge...
General Court V2 Integration Sneak Peek Kleros Integrations Manager, Guangmian Kung brings us an update of the most significant updates to the Court v2 functionalities for new and existing integrations.
General Research Visit Report: Jamilya Kamalova Goes to Hong Kong Jamilya Kamalova, Kleros' research associate visited Hong Kong University to spread our gospel. Read on to see what her findings were!
General Overcoming Algocracy: AI, Blockchain and Crowdsourcing for Designing Better Dispute Systems Join Federico Ast as he explores the promise, as well as the threat of algocracy and how crowdsourced solutions can be used to design better dispute systems.
General Lessons from the History of Politics for Blockchain Governance A tour de force, Federico Ast teaches us the value of lessons from the history of politics in creating novel governance institutions for the blockchain age.
General A Decentralized Infrastructure for the Future of Social Media Federico Ast tells us the bigger story behind Susie and Kleros Moderate about the coming future infrastructure of social media and beyond.
General Voting and Incentive Systems in Kleros Cases with Numeric Outcomes In this research piece, Dr. William George demonstrates the different voting and incentive models of Kleros V2 that will be significantly increase the adaptability of the protocol.
General Kleros 2.0: A Walkthrough for Integrations Kleros 2.0 is almost here. How does one integrate the Kleros arbitration system? Look no further, this article is for you.
Getting Started Kleros 2.0 - Juror 101 The Kleros 2.0 testnet deployment has arrived. How do you become a juror? Check out this article for all information you need to start your journey.
General Kleros Mediation Bridge: A Cohesive Approach Blending Traditional Mediation and Kleros Blockchain Arbitration How would Kleros work in the context of modernizing the traditional mediation process? Join us on this exploration with Robert Dean and Federico Ast.
General Featured Kleros Project Update - May 2023 A look at the past year, giving you an unprecedented insight into what's been happening in the Kleros world.
General Kleros and Social Recovery - A Snapshot of Solutions Loss of funds is one of the largest problems plaguing the crypto world today. Join us as we explore the social recovery solutions being developed today.
General Parameterization for Kleros courts Kleros' Director of Research, Dr. William George explains how parameters for the Kleros court system work in practice.
General Proof of Humanity - An Explainer An explainer on how to register for Proof of Humanity and use the platform.
General Humans on the Blockchain How do we create unique human digital identities in order to enable social blockchains and democracy online? Proof of Personhood might be the answer.
General Why DeFi Insurance Needs an Ethereum-Native Claims Arbitrator Jimmy Ragosa takes us on a journey through DeFi Insurance and explores how Kleros can help most common claim systems and improve them.
General Learning and Improvement in Kleros Mechanism Design Kleros Director of Research, Dr. William George explains key learnings from the Kleros protocol and upcoming improvements.
General Secure Your Contract With Kleros Dispute Resolution Federico Ast tells the story of the first service provision contract between companies secured by Kleros and how to use Kleros as an arbitration clause.
General Featured Ethereum Scalability and Kleros Our Director of Research, Dr. William George goes on an in-depth investigation into different scaling solutions for Kleros, as well as the Ethereum ecosystem as a whole.
Announcements Featured Kleros as a Tool for Open Innovation Kleros is starting a pilot with an insurance company to test a use case of Kleros supporting crowd sourced innovation processes.
General Featured Kleros Community Update - July 2020 Kleros brings you the latest Community Update for July 2020. From new products, rewards to new team members and novel research - this update has it all.
General Featured PNK Rewards with Omen Conditional Markets - A Guide We’ve started a bounty reward program which incentivizes liquidity providers to the platform...
General Featured The Future of Dispute Resolution in the Post-COVID Age The new economic reality is online. This was true before COVID-19, it is true now and is likely to remain that way. Arbitration will need to adapt.
General Kleros - Compliance for the World Of Decentralized Finance How does the current DeFi market compare to the 'coffee house regulation' of the 18th Century and what does it have to do with Kleros? In short - compliance.