General Kleros @ Devcon4 - A Rundown On What We Got Up To Most of the Ethereum community descended on Prague at the beginning of November for Devcon4. Everyone of note within the space was there and that, of course, includes Kleros.
Team Blockchain Justice Expands - Kleros Adds New Team Members As we move into the next phase of our development, we welcome more hands on deck to facilitate, promote and design the future of decentralized justice.
General Featured Doges On Trial Curated List Observations Part 2 - Deep Dive Edition. This is the second of a three article series analyzing user behavior on Kleros' Doges on Trial Token Curated List pilot.
Announcements Featured Important Announcement: Doges on Trial - The Largest Decentralized Curated List Ever Kleros celebrates the 1000th Doge to be accepted onto our Decentralized Curated List pilot with a 50 ETH challenge!
General Featured Doges on Trial - Observations from Our Decentralized Curated List Pilot Doges on Trial is our first cryptoeconomic experiment on the Ethereum mainnet. It’s based on Kleros’ curated list application. Here are some results from the trial.
General Featured Colin Rule - The Godfather of Online Dispute Resolution Speaks to Kleros Colin Rule is probably the world's leading expert in online dispute resolution (ODR). He created eBay’s user dispute resolution in the 1990s and then the eBay Community Court, the first attempt to build a crowdsourced online dispute resolution system at scale.
General Is Kleros a Fair Dispute Resolution System? Kleros' approach to arbitration is radically different to traditional court systems and alternative dispute resolution methods. Relying on cryptoeconomics, it provides crowdsourced jurors the incentive to arbitrate on various types of disputes.
General Featured Decentralized Curated Lists - How Kleros Can Help A clear explanation of what curated lists are and their role as a building block in cryptoeconomic systems.
Announcements Featured Doges on Trial Announcement: Mega Juror Party! (sort of) The end of our decentralized curated list pilot is drawing near. We've run the Dogelist experiment for nearly two months now and will soon create a detailed post with some of our findings.
Developer Featured Integrating Your Platform with the Kleros Dispute Resolution Protocol Now that Kleros has launched on the mainnet, we have received a number of questions about how this will actually work from a technical point of view: how to integrate 3rd party platforms with our protocol?
General Kleros: A Cornerstone of Mass Adoption in the Decentralized Economy? The Last Years Have Seen the Rise of Decentralized Platforms and Multi-Million Dollar Token Sales. Yet, Real Adoption Was Disappointing. Can Kleros Bring the Blockchain Economy to the Masses?
General Featured Can Kleros Fight Fake News? How could Kleros help in the good fight of combating falsehood in the media and gaining ground in the 21st Century struggle for transparency?
General Featured How Policies Work in Kleros Traditional justice systems have courts specialized in different topics: commercial, civil, criminal, etc. In the same vein, Kleros has subcourts specialized in different types of disputes.
Developer Featured Kleros Development Update - July In the first Kleros pilot, we want to test the effectiveness of our protocol in building a curated list of doges. Let's take a look at the technologies used to build this dapp. There are three different bundles to build this dapp: * The user interface * The smart contract