General Featured Kate Sills on Political Philosophy, Libertarianism and Institutional Economics As a computer scientist interested in political philosophy and community lead at Agoric (a project founded by Mark Miller, one of the architects of the legendary Project Xanadu), Kate is a humanist in the blockchain space.
General Featured Interview with Peter Stone: Randomness as a Political Technology In this week's rendition of the Kleros Interviews, we bring you an exciting talk with one of the world's leading experts on sortition as a political tool - Dr. Peter Stone of Trinity College in Dublin.
General Featured A Conversation with Josiah Ober: Democracy in Ancient Greece & Decentralized Justice Decentralized Justice is not a new concept. The Ancient Greeks had quite a lot to say about it too. Find out more in this interview with Josiah Ober.
Announcements Featured 3 Things to Know About Becoming a Kleros Juror Kleros is always looking for new jurors to take part in our dispute resolution protocol. Becoming a juror comes with many benefits which we'll delve into in this article.
General Featured Eyal Winter: On Game Theory, Decentralized Justice and Kleros Eyal Winter: On Decentralized Justice, Dispute Resolution systems and the Future of LegalTech
General Featured A Conversation with Legal Futurist - Joe Raczynski on Kleros and the Future of Law An exclusive conversation with Joseph Raczynski, Thomson Reuters' legal futurist on legaltech and the future of the legal industry.
简体中文 Doges on Trial第3部分 - 加密经济模型原理 最终版 在本系列的前两篇文章中,我们看到了陪审团投票模式的一些广泛趋势,然后我们仔细研究了攻击者试图贿赂陪审员的案例。 在本文中,我们将探讨其他一些有趣的问题和观察结果,这些问题和观察结果是关于陪审团在Doges on Trial试验中的一些行为。
General Featured The Law Merchant and Private Justice. A Conversation with Professor Barry Weingast Professor Barry Weingast is one of the world leading scholaris in institutional economics. A professor at Stanford, Senior Fellow at the Hoover institution and a promoter of freedom. Hear what he has to say about Kleros in this interview.
General Generalized Ethereum Frontrunners, an Implementation and a Cheat A Holiday Story About the "Dry Frontrunners" of ETH Against PNK Warrior Lemiscate (Marc Zeller), and the Noble Attempt of Clesaege (Clement Lesaege) to Avenge Him.
General Featured The Kleros End of Year Rundown - What's in Store for 2019 A year ago we were still in our infancy as a project. No Dapps, no token sale and only some beautiful articles detailing our plight to go by. Fast forward till today, and the progress is evident.
General The Challenger's Dilemma: Decentralized Law Enforcement The challengers dilemma, how to properly police decentralized curated lists. Written by Kleros' cryptoeconomics researcher William George.
General Featured The Kleros Fellowship of Justice Welcomes Its First Members In August, we launched our Kleros Fellowship of Justice program in order to foster the research on key elements of our protocol in smart contracts, cryptoeconomics, law and business.
General Featured Preparing for the World of Tomorrow: How Blockchain is Transforming Africa An interview with Alice Namuli, a legal expert and former Vice President of the Uganda Law Society on Africa and how blockchain-based dispute resolution may transform the legal industry.
General Featured Dapps. Development. Design. Research. Kleros Community Update #3 Community Update #3 from the Kleros team. A huge list of all the things we're currently developing. Including, Dapps, UX upgrade, Research and us in the media.
General Featured Doges on Trial Part 3 - Cryptoeconomics Finale Edition The final part of the trilogy on Kleros' Doges on Trial curated list Dapp. Running on Etherum mainnet, we look at the various attack vectors and how...
Developer Featured Introduction to the Evidence Standard - DApp Dispute Resolution ISO In our previous article, we talked about what Arbitrable and Arbitrator Contracts are and how we have been working hard to create a Dispute Resolution standard - 792. As we shared before, the idea behind this standard is that it allows DApps to switch from one arbitration service to another
Announcements Kleros and Colibra Partnership - Trust as a Service for Decentralized Insurance Kleros is delighted to announce a partnership with Colibra, the world's first democratic insurance company...
简体中文 区块链数据分类的高效化 By Enrique Piqueras 28/Aug/2018 如果方法不得当,在诸如游戏之类的抽签中计算动态投注额会消耗很高的算力。下面,让我们看一个比较合适的方案...... 在去中心化的应用程序中,最普遍的抽签方式就是:使用与用户所持有的令牌数量成比例的一个随机数。 如果只允许增加用户持有量,这就非常简单。 但是,如果你想在所有抽签轮次中自由更改用户持有量时,抽签的随机计算就会变得非常复杂...... 基本的方式 构建这样的系统最简单方法是创建一个虚拟列表,其中包含每个参与抽签地址的区段。 使用一个存储变量来跟踪列表大小,并且每当有人改变持有量时: tokenHolder.segmentStart = segmentSize; segmentSize += _stake; tokenHolder.segmentEnd = segmentSize; 这种方法存在两大问题(尽管根据使用情况,可能不会很严重)。首先,如果持有人希望更改或删除他们的投入额,那么拼接这个列表的计算成本会很高。其次,获得被抽中者需要迭代每位持有者,如下所示:
简体中文 Kleros:普及去中心化经济模式的基石? By Spencer Bramson Sep 14 最近几年虽然涌现出了大量的去中心化平台和数百万美元通证销售,但是,真正的落地成绩却令人失望。Kleros能否将区块链经济带给大众? 在电子商务的早期,许多人在网上购物时犹豫不决。 他们会问:“这样安全吗?我会被骗吗?“。所有这些公众曾经的担心都在亚马逊或维萨等公司所提供的无障碍退货政策保障之下烟消云散,反而将网上购物从风险转变为便利。 我们之所以可以放心的从亚马逊订购衬衫,是因为我们知道我们可以退货。购买没成功的话货款会自动退还到我们的帐户中,就像购买从未发生过一样。这种对客户权益的确保使得电子商务在过去几年中呈指数级增长。 亚马逊的崛起在很大程度上是电子商务信心增强的结果。在今天的电子市场中,PayPal和Visa等支付服务提供商充当了中间人,负责管理每笔销售的付款流程和可能发生的任何问题,并从中进行一定百分比抽成作为回报。 商家愿意支付抽成费用,因为支付提供商的争议解决方案同时保护了他们以及买家。他们也不必聘请律师,在美国证券交易委员会注册,也不必处理数字交易所需的众多繁琐步骤。他们可以仅仅开设店铺并做他们
简体中文 Kleros争端解决协议与您的平台集成使用 在这篇文章中,Kleros的首席执行官费德里科(Federico Ast)提出了Kleros作为一种去中性化的仲裁协议的愿景:很多的应用将会搭建于该协议的基础之上。。现在Kleros已经在主网上启动了,我们已经收到了很多关于如何从技术角度来集成该协议的问题:第三方平台如何集成我们的协议?
Getting Started How to buy PNK on Bitfinex Exchange Recently, PNK was listed on the Bitfinex Exchange platform, one of the world's leading cryptocurrency trading platforms. In this guide, we’d like to share step by step instructions on how to buy PNK on the Bitfinex Exchange.
Team Featured Smart Contract Price Oracles - The Best Approach? Take a look at this new, faster approach to the price oracle problem we solved earlier in May in this Kleros research update. ETH/USD test coming soon.