How to Enforce Blockchain Dispute Resolution in Court? The Kleros Case in Mexico By Mauricio Virues* Some of the most challenging questions in the e-arbitration world are related to blockchain dispute resolution and its possibility to render enforceable decisions before courts and traditional institutions. The most common view seems to be that the lack of a blockchain structure in a smart contract fashion
Announcements Featured Kleros Token Sale Announcement, January 11, 2020 Kleros announces the launch of the second token sale, starting on January 11, 2020 at 16:00 UTC. Read more to see how you can take part!
General Sophie Nappert - Arbitration in the Age of Algocracy: Who Do You Trust? Sophie Nappert takes us on a journey to the relationship between humans and algorithms in 21st Century arbitration and how to keep the perils of algocracy in check.
Fellowship of Justice Featured Tian Zhao: My Kleros Fellowship Experience as a Digital Product Designer The report of Tian Zhao, a UX designer and Kleros Fellow of Justice about his experience in cutting edge legaltech design.
Fellowship of Justice Featured Incorporating Kleros in Long-Term Energy Supply Contracts This report was written and produced by Abeer Sharma as part of the Kleros Fellowship regarding the incorporation of Kleros in long-term energy supply contracts.
General Featured Is Kleros Legally Valid as Arbitration? The first Kleros Fellow, Dmitry Narozhny presents his analysis of key international treaties relating to arbitration and points to how Kleros fits into the international framework.
Announcements Featured Doges on Trial Announcement: Mega Juror Party! (sort of) The end of our decentralized curated list pilot is drawing near. We've run the Dogelist experiment for nearly two months now and will soon create a detailed post with some of our findings.
General Kleros: A Cornerstone of Mass Adoption in the Decentralized Economy? The Last Years Have Seen the Rise of Decentralized Platforms and Multi-Million Dollar Token Sales. Yet, Real Adoption Was Disappointing. Can Kleros Bring the Blockchain Economy to the Masses?