Kleros in Paris - ETHCC, KlerosCon and More
Despite the looming spectre of viral contagion, the event went ahead at full speed with the Kleros team giving five different talks...

The Kleros team recently spent the week together IRL in Paris, here's a quick recap of what we got up to.
Dispute Revolution, the Conference
Dispute Revolution was the first ever in-house event for decentralized justice and we were delighted to be able to host it at the Sorbonne University in Paris with the help and support of our friend, Professor Bruno Deffains.
A small but highly focused group of arbitrators, international lawyers and PhD students attended.

We'll be releasing a full schedule of videos, photos and interviews from the event in due course. Below are a few photos from some of the talks.
General Assembly
Every year by law, Cooperative Kleros must hold our General Assembly. Being good law abiding netizens, that's exactly what we did.

Despite the looming spectre of viral contagion, the event went ahead at full speed with the Kleros team giving five different talks, making many connections for future integrations and gaining new followers and friends from all corners of the earth.

For your viewing please, here are the talks we had at ETHCC.
Federico Ast
Our CEO 'El Presidente' Federico Ast spoke about Kleros' implementations and ongoing development in layer 2 for Dapps: how to bridge the gap between blockchain and traditional systems.
Clément Lesaege
Clément gave a great presentation on our collaborative effort to create a Proof of Humanity.
You can check the specs and ideas in this document, a UI design here and the smart contract here.

William George
Ever the quality speaker, William gave a sterling performance in describing both the theory of voting systems and how Schelling Games have benefited the inner workings of the Kleros Court.
Matheus Alencar
GTCRs (Generalized Token Curated Registries) are soon to be deployed by the Kleros team. For a quick rundown of what those words arranged in that particular combination mean, here's Matheus
"TLDR: Generalized TCRs lower the costs of construction and deployment of TCRs. This optimization can spawn a large number of use cases where the community is empowered to decide which information should be listed in a fair and transparent way."
Watch the video below for a rundown of the bleeding edge version. Click here for an article with loads more details.
Ferit Tuncer
Another of our Dapp Devs and chess master Ferit, gave this talk on Linguo which is a fully decentralized translation Dapp.
Using similar cryptoeconomic incentives as our Token Curated Registry, fully dispute backed translations can be created with translator rewards tiered allowing for both efficiency and quality of translation.
Check it out in full below and read the corresponding article here.
Bonus Pics!

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